I've been reading Joanne Harris' Holy Fools . It's not as good as Chocolat , and much less critical of the church. But it has prompted some reflections about the way that the church is, and is seen to be, colluding in the oppression of people. It prescribes modes of beliefs, and uses its power to put down opposition rather than giving good arguments for its position. The church is like this today, but when it had power it was worse.
The church made an ungodly mess of things when it had power. The crusades, inquisition etc . are just the tip of the iceberg. In general, it wanted to control people and resisted any real change. Most of all, its sheer complicity in power and wealth is astonishing. And in all of this the teachings of Christ get lost. Not that there was no-one trying to follow Christ, not that the project of 'church' is to be written off. But Harris' novel does, at the very least, suggest that we are reaping the evangelistic effects. And...