Ministry without Armour
A sermon for the Chrism Eucharist, Diocese of Derby, Maundy Thursday 2013. 1 Samuel 17.31-33, 37-40 ; John 19.1-5 It had been a hard Lent. The APCM, the annual church meeting, had not been able to ask a question about the flag we flew in the churchyard without it feeling to me like it had been asked using a baseball bat. Then, on Low Sunday, I was speaking with a friend of a friend, a retired priest who knew something of what had happened. “You need to cultivate the skin of a rhinoceros”, he told me. I think it was possibly the worst piece of advice I was ever given as a parish priest. Our first reading this morning tells us of David being unable to function in the armour of King Saul. ‘I cannot walk with these’, David complains, ‘for I am not used to them’. Saul’s armour was good armour. It protected the king, it identified him as king and conveyed his importance. Saul’s armour was of no use to Da...