A New Kind of Liberal
Review of Brian D. McLaren, The Story we Find Ourselves in: Further Adventures of a New Kind ofChristian (Jossey-Bass, 2003). Over a cup of tea with a retired colleague, the question was raised ‘Where is liberal theology being done today?’ The former Bishop of Durham, David Jenkins, was often asked a similar question – ‘where will the next generation of liberal Christians come from?’ His reply was ‘Where they’ve always come from – the evangelicals!’ Over tea, I found myself reflecting that that was still the case, but that these days they didn’t have to stop being evangelicals when they embraced liberalism. The evangelical tent, at least in the UK, has grown pretty large. Much of the good liberal theology is being written by evangelicals and published by evangelical publishing houses. Brian McLaren is a case in point. An American pastor working with ‘emergent Christianity’, McLaren is an evangelical but his theology is d...