Prayers for Evensong
On Wednesday, Radio 3's Choral Evensong came from Derby Cathedral. You can find the service on iPlayer , or it will be repeated today at 3pm. Here are the prayers I wrote for the service. The readings were Zechariah 7 and Mark 10.17-31 In peace, let us pray: In the evening of the day, we come to you, O God, bringing those we have met, for your blessing, our hurts for your healing, our sins for your forgiveness, our labours as our offering and our lives as our worship; we come to you through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who became like us, that we might become like him. Amen. We pray for the church throughout the world, for Justin our Archbishop, for Alastair, Bishop of Derby, for the church here in this place and wherever this service is heard. Lord Jesus, you give us the gift of eternal life; keep us from the love of riches and all that diverts us from your service; strengthen those who are persecut...