Praying: A sermon for the National Prayer Weekend
--> Exodus 17.8-12 ; Luke 11.1-13 It is a great pleasure to be with you this morning. I’m very grateful to Matt for the invitation to be here, and I bring you greetings from your Cathedral Church where we pray for you regularly. We pray for you, and I’ve been invited to talk this morning on the theme of prayer. At the Cathedral, I’ve been involved in running a “School of Prayer”. In part, that is for those who are Christians but could use some focussed input on prayer. It is also aimed at those who are not Christians, but who want to learn to pray. Learning to pray, of course, brings people close to God. The Archbishop of Canterbury has said that communities of prayer are one of his key priorities, and launched a communitybased at Lambeth Palace this week. So it is really great that you are marking National Prayer Weekend . This is important stuff you are doing. But let me make a confession. I find prayer r...