Accidental Evangelism?

Outside my local pub there are three kids who have a stack of Gospels, clearly nicked from one of the Christian bookshops in town. They're trying very hard to make you part with cash, offering to sing, dance and rap if you'll spare a few pennies.

Is this accidental evangelism, a new form of emerging church or the next scam that the CofE will try?

Mission-shaped shoplifting, anyone?


Anonymous said…
The ethicist in me is having serious trouble with that one...

...although I must confess to having very nearly wet myself laughing first.

Personally, I think it is your evangelical duty to buy only from those kids who are able to answer twenty questions on the content of their wares: "How do the events at Caesarea Philippi prove the rightful authority of Rome?"

Hope the move to the new home is progressing smoothly. Let us know when the decorating is done, and we'll bring the children to trash the place for you.
charity said…
I think that's just fantastic, I mean lets allow the inner cynic in ourselves to be honest for a moment - how much of the church's evangelism is about making money anyway; these kids are obviously on their way to heaven...
Nikki said…
the detached youth worker in me is looking to seek them out and join in with them!!

Oh hang on.... I guess you're local has changed!

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