Musical Prayers
We are celebrating the return of our newly restored pipe organ on Sunday. Two prayers I have written for the event: Christ our King, angels and mortals sing thy praise and trumpet thy victory, we give thee thanks for thy gift of music, for its power to move our spirits and to raise our hearts, for its accompaniment to joy and to lament, and for its witness to thy creativity and life. May we who worship thee here in this place, join our praise with the whole company of heaven and renew our longing for the coming of thy kingdom. We ask this in thy name alone. Amen. O God, whose praise our lips have sung, hear now our prayers: may the melodies we have sung draw us to the message of your Word; may the harmonies we have fashioned deepen our common life in this community, may the rhythm of our praise guide our lives in your service; we ask this through him to whose glory the music of the spheres is played, even Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Amen.