Silence is one of the important elements of my life, especially my spiritual life (whatever that is). So here are some more or less random reflections on why I find silence valuable:
Update Interesting post on silence on BBC website and I commend the Cage against the Machine campaign for your edification
- Silence is listening carefully and patiently for the voice of God
- Silence is opening myself to the love, call and judgement of God
- Silence is the best way of expressing the otherness (the holiness) of God
- Silence is rooting myself here and now
- Silence is attention to the present
- Silence is the prayer of God within me
- Silence is a pause from the frenetic business of life
- Silence is being vulnerable
- Silence is difficult
- Silence is carving out space for God
- Silence is waiting to see what will happen
- Silence sometimes leads me into sleep
- Silence needs practice
- Silence is something I need
- Silence is a discipline
- Silence means quieting all my agendas, my hopes, fears, wants and stuff
- Silence is an acknowledgment that I might have some things badly wrong
- Silence is uncurling
- Silence is giving up defensiveness
- Silence is basking in the presence of God
- Silence is letting go
Update Interesting post on silence on BBC website and I commend the Cage against the Machine campaign for your edification