
Showing posts from June, 2014

Prayers for Pentecost

This afternoon saw a Pilgrimage from St Alkmund's church in Derby to Derby Cathedral via St Alkmund's Well. Here are three new prayers I wrote for evensong at the end of the festivities: Holy Spirit of God, who in the beginning did brood over the face of the waters, and bring all things to birth; we thank you for the gift of water, to sustain us, to refresh us and to make us clean. We pray for all those who lack access to clean water, and ask that your gifts would be shared throughout your world. O Spirit of life, O Spirit of justice, bring your life and justice to the whole of this your world. Amen. Spirit of God, stir up we pray in the hearts of all who live in this city of Derby, a desire to know and love you, a determination to serve our neighbours, and a commitment to the common good of all.  We join our prayers with those of Alkmund, who found in this city a place of sanc...

God for Everyone

A sermon for Trinity 1. Jeremiah 20.7-13 ; Matthew 10.24-39 Meet Jeremiah.   Jeremiah comes from Jerusalem and he is a prophet.   He was called as a prophet when he was a boy, or at least a young man.   As his calling, Jeremiah speaks God’s word to the people of Israel, whether they want to hear it or not.   Mostly they don’t.   That’s probably because mostly Jeremiah’s message is one of doom and destruction.   He warns the people that they need to change their ways and return to God’s ways, and if they don’t then God will bring destruction on Jerusalem.   Jeremiah is not popular.   And today, Jeremiah is fed up.   He knows that he is hated.   He doesn’t particularly like speaking words of destruction and doom.   So today Jeremiah is fed up, perhaps a little depressed – after all, speaking doom and destruction at all times has to have some effect?   This is the effect of his calling. Jere...