Prayers for Pentecost
This afternoon saw a Pilgrimage from St Alkmund's church in Derby to Derby Cathedral via St Alkmund's Well.
Here are three new prayers I wrote for evensong at the end of the festivities:
EDIT: 22.6.14 Blogger only seems to have published this today. Not sure why.
Here are three new prayers I wrote for evensong at the end of the festivities:
Holy Spirit of God,
who in the beginning did brood over the face of the waters,
and bring all things to birth;
we thank you for the gift of water,
to sustain us, to refresh us and to make us clean.
We pray for all those who lack access to clean water,
and ask that your gifts would be shared throughout your world.
O Spirit of life, O Spirit of justice,
bring your life and justice to the whole of this your world. Amen.
Spirit of God,
stir up we pray in the hearts of all who live in this city of Derby,
a desire to know and love you,
a determination to serve our neighbours,
and a commitment to the common good of all.
We join our prayers with those of Alkmund,
who found in this city a place of sanctuary,
and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our saviour. Amen.
Spirit of God,
bringer of life and love,
be with those who we have named before you;
bring light into darkness,
comfort to the sorrowful,
guidance to the confused,
and life out of death.
Spirit of God,
bringer of life and love,
come to those who need your touch. Amen.
EDIT: 22.6.14 Blogger only seems to have published this today. Not sure why.