The Contemplative Minister
I heartily recommend this book for all ministers,
lay and ordained. The Foreword by
Desmond Tutu is excellent, and the book is potentially transformative. This is a book to come back to and learn from
each time.
First published in Diocese of Derby, Our Diocese, May 2016
Review of Ian Cowley, The
Contemplative Minister: Learning to Lead from the Still Centre (Bible Reading Fellowship, 2015).
This excellent little book is for those ‘who are looking for
a better way of serving Christ than the relentless busyness and pressure which
has become the norm for so many’ (p. 12).
Ian Cowley, who has experience of ministry in South Africa and is now
the Vocations and Spirituality Co-ordinator for the Diocese of Salisbury, calls
us to rediscover our still centre in prayer and rooting in God.
Ministry that does not have stillness and prayer at its
heart is in danger of losing its relationship to God, of warping a vocation,
and not having the counter-cultural edge that should be the mark of all
Christian ministry. Cowley calls us back
to silence and simplicity as being of the essence and the heart of ministry,
not just extras and ideals. He draws
widely on the traditions of the church, from the contemplative to the
charismatic, offering a rich and deep account of ministry.
I confess I found this very challenging. I am someone for whom doing very easily
crowds out being with God. At times, I
wanted a little more about the missionary context that faces the Church today,
but I am convinced that Cowley is right that if this is not rooted in prayer
and encounter with the living God then all our efforts will be futile.
First published in Diocese of Derby, Our Diocese, May 2016