Truth: A sermon for Christmas
Isaiah 52.7-10 ; Hebrews 1.1-4 ; John 1.1-14 Some words from that very familiar Gospel reading: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us … full of grace and truth”. If you want a thread to help you understand St John’s Gospel, then you could do worse than to look at the way that truth appears in the Gospel from the beginning to the end. The Gospel begins with the passage that we have just heard. Here we learn of the true light which was coming into the world, and the grace and truth of the Word made flesh. Truth remains a theme throughout the Gospel. Near the end, Pontius Pilate asks Jesus ‘What is truth?’ as part of his trial. Truth is important to John’s Gospel, and so tonight I want to say three things about truth. First about the truth shown in Jesus; second about truth as a life; and third about being witnesses to the truth. First then, the truth shown in Jesus. The whole thrust of the Gos...